Best Trash The Dress
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Best Trash The Dress Underwater. Joelyn and Mark were married in Playa del Carmen two days before our photo shoot. They live in Los Angeles, where Joelyn was born of Mexican parents.
The final result of an underwater shoot is nearly always reliant on the combination of several elements some of which can be controlled and some which can’t. For instance, the skill of a photographer can vary enormously. A photographer can take advantage of some opportunities or simply adapt themselves to circumstances, and that’s absolutely fine. However, often other elements can be totally unpredictable and can turn a good session into a particularly special one.
This is exactly what happened with Joelyn and Mark, who I will remember as an especially awesome couple.
Having two beautiful people like them, deeply in love and literally on the same wave length, was an amazing photographic opportunity. Joelyn’s eyes, even underwater, were like sparkling lights. “Tiger Tiger, burning bright…”. Their love, and the way they interacted was exactly one of those unpredictable elements. They really made this session one of my favorites ever!
Let me put it this way: Photographers can, at most, direct their subjects (you may or may not like it, but it’s an absolute must when shooting an underwater “trash the dress” shoot). Hopwever, they have no control over the depth of a glance, unless they are working with professional models. At the end of the day I am not a film director, nor are my couples professional actors. I can’t pretend too much.
From the start of this shoot I saw how intensely Joelyn was gazing at Mark and vice versa. It was perfectly obvious that the final result would be something incredibly special.
Here are some shots from the day, with huge gratitude to Joelyn and Mark, from LA…